Sunday, September 14, 2008

Rock "n" Roll Studio

Studio Home Page
Rock 'n' Roll music came into being in the early 1950s. It resulted from a

combination of rhythm 'n' blues music of the American black culture with the
folk song styling of the southern white hill country population .

Step is vertical, most combos start on left side of step with right lead, some start from back or straddle, always right lead. Routine starts easy cardio wise and builds up so you can use it straight thru from the warmup in class if you want. Routine is almost tapless, the only taps are "natural" taps (Charlestons, over the top, etc). Each combo is 32 counts and self-reversing.
Combo 1

* Charleston 2x
* Rock and roll*
* Knee straddle, knee exit other side (down, down to face back)
* Walk (pivot 1/2) around, over top

* rock and roll variation of a power march: 1-right foot marches on step, 2-left foot marches on floor, 3-right foot marches on other side of step, 4-left foot marches on floor, 5-right foot marches on step, 6-left foot marches on floor, 7-right foot marches on floor beside left foot, 8-left foot marches on floor
Combo 2

* Turn straddle turn
* X-step*
* Step squat walk behind 4x ** (16 counts)

* variation of a straddle basic, just move feet forward and backward as you do the basic (no tapping, stay in straddle)

** borrowed from Gay Gasper. Can do an alternating knee off the back as option. 1-left foot steps on to step, 2-right foot steps out on floor (right side of step) and squats, 3-right foot steps behind on floor, 4-left foot steps down from step to floor, 5-right foot steps up to step, 6-left foot steps out on floor (left side of step) and squats, 7-left foot steps behind step on floor, 8-right foot steps down from step toward right side of step.
Combo 3

* Straddle knee 2x
* Rock and roll
* L-step in front of step (turning to face right side of room as if step were horizontal)
* Diagonal to back of room (you are facing back), step kick to face front of room

Combo 4

* Squat and go*
* Repeater3 left leg (started from the top of the step) straddle down left/right
* Knee straddle 2x
* Rock and roll

* squat and go: I think if got this from this site. 1,2.3,4 - 2 pulsing squats on left side of step (right foot on step, left foot on floor) push off and go over top of step, 5,6,7,8 - 2 pulsing squats on right side of step (right foot on floor, left foot on step) push off and go to top of step with both feet
Combo 5

* Hop, clap, kick over, go over top*
* Straddle basic left 3x, pivot 1/2 around front to face back of room (16counts)
* Turnstep, cross behind **

* borrowed from Adam Ballenger. 1- hop forward with both feet, 2-clap hands, 3,4- side kick left leg over step, bring foot back beside right foot, 5,6,7,8 - go over top of step

** going over the top except left foot doesn't touch step, it "crosses behind" and steps down first: 1-right foot steps on to step, 2- left foot crosses behind, 3- left foot steps down, 4 - right foot steps down

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